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Kazama Mana

This anime centers around Kazama Mana, the primary person of Yakin Byoto 2. She is an understudy who works for a sanatorium as an understudy nurturer . Mana admires Songbird, and she needs to be a holy messenger in white like her. Yet, Mizukawa Wataru, the patient whose days are numbered, tells her that there's no holy messenger and starts to make her a sex game.  

Furifure The Animation

 Yui had a squabble with her folks and took off from home. At the point when she strolls around the town, she meets her companion and she is fooled into joining a matchmaking site called Free Companions. She simply hangs tight for somebody reaching her however she has close to zero insight into it. The fundamental person inadvertently tracks down it and reaches her. On that evening, they meet in the town loaded with moxie and…


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